What are they? Cookies are files that can be downloaded onto your computer from websites. They allow a web page to store and retrieve information about a user's browsing habits or their computer and, depending on the information obtained, can be used to recognise the user and improve the service offered.Cookies have existed for many years and are very common. They do not damage your computer and Turespaña does not store any personally identifiable information. We use cookies to store encrypted data to make your visit to our site as enjoyable and satisfactory as possible. Because of the essential information they contain, cookies allow us to determine the type of content that may interest you. As well as automatically and more accurately helping to adapt the experience offered to you by our website, cookies also enable us to identify any error you might find. Turespaña cookies These are cookies stored on your computer to cover the needs of our website and to optimise and personalise our services. We use authentication cookies to verify users and enable correct interaction with the site. Third-party cookies By visiting Turespaña, you may notice that some of the cookies are not related to Turespaña.In order to obtain web usage statistics, Turespaña uses the Google Analytics service. We use cookies in order to learn more about our visitors and the contents they find most interesting, focusing our efforts on improving the areas that are visited the most, and helping users to find what they're looking for more easily. The information from your visit may be used to make assessments and statistical calculations on anonymous data, to guarantee the continuity of the service, or to make improvements to the website. How to manage cookies The default settings for browsers are usually set up to accept cookies. However, you can easily alter these settings in your browser options. But bear in mind that if you choose to deactivate cookies, it may be that certain parts of the website will not work correctly or will not be accessible. If you wish to deny or revoke consent to the use of cookies from both Turespaña and third parties, you must remove them from your browser options. In the case of third-party cookies, you may also perform these actions from the system offered by the third party itself.

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