Madrid, 09 from July from 2024

Training day on the Chinese market

Turespaña organised an in-person working day in Madrid on 9 July to present the particular features of the Chinese market to the Spanish tourism industry, an event coordinated by the Spanish Tourism Office in Canton (PR of China).Venue: Hotel NH Collection Madrid Eurobuilding


9:00–9:30 REGISTRATION  9:30–9:40 WELCOMEMiguel Sanz Director General of Turespaña  9:40–10:45 THE CHINESE OUTBOUND MARKETModerator: Ana Lafuente, Councillor of Tourism in CantonPresenters:María Llinares, Councillor of Tourism in BeijingIrene Gracia, Head of Airport Marketing and International Relations, Aeronautical Data and Markets department at AENAEllen Böhling, CEO of Inspektour  10:45–11:10 COFFEE BREAK  11:10–12:20 THE CHINESE TRAVELLER: FIT AND DIGITAL TRENDSModerator: María Llinares, Councillor of Tourism in BeijingPresenters: Ada Xu, Regional Director of Europe and the Middle East at FliggyGuillem Gisbert, Country Manager Spain & Portugal até Rodríguez, Director of FITUR  12:20–13:30 THE CHINESE TRAVELLER: GROUP AND MICE TOURISM  Moderator: Ana Lafuente, Councillor of Tourism in CantonPresenters:Tony Ong, Chief Business Officer of HCG International Travel GroupCarlos Díaz, CEO of Premium IncomingKatherine Tan, Deputy General Manager of China CYTS  13:30–15:00 BUFFET LUNCH  15:00–17:30 PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS ON SOCIAL MEDIA IN CHINA  15:00–16:15 SOCIAL MEDIA IN CHINA: ANALYSIS AND STRATEGIESModerator: María Llinares, Councillor of Tourism in BeijingPresenter: Sienna Parulis-Cook, Director of Marketing and Communications at Dragon Trail International  16:15–16:30 COFFEE BREAK  16:30–17:30 SOCIAL MEDIA IN CHINA: IMPACT AND SCOPEModerator: Ana Lafuente, Councillor of Tourism in CantonPresenters: Fu, influencer, and Zhang Jin, Co-founder of Travelling Sisters

You can view previous training sessions on Chinese outbound tourism at the following link: Chinese tourism market in Spain. Analysis and training.  For more information, contact