IV Convención Turespaña 2024 - Tenerife

Tenerife, 01 from October from 2024 - 03 from October from 2024




The personal data you provide will be included in an automated Turespaña file. The data will be used exclusively to send communications relating to the event for which you are registering and to provide occasional information on Turespaña events and conferences.

TURESPAÑA, as the data controller of your personal data, informs you that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), Organic Law (ES) 15/1999 (LOPD) and Royal Decree (ES) 1720/2007 (RDLOPD).

The legal grounds for processing your data and sending communications are based on the consent requested. Personal data provided may be held until such time as its removal is requested. Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties. We will create a profile of your interests based on information you provide, and this will enable selection of relevant information. No automated decisions will be made based on this profile. You can choose to exercise your rights to access, rectify, cancel, restrict processing of or object to the data at any time by emailing cdatos@mincotur.es and indicating in the subject line the right you wish to exercise, or by writing to Poeta Joan Maragall 41, Madrid 28020.