International marketing and communication actions contribute to positioning the Marca España tourism brand in the minds of existing visitors as well as potential visitors. In line with Turespaña's 2021-2024 Strategic Marketing Plan, the following positioning has been achieved: “We are a country that welcomes tourists for them to share our lifestyle in a safe, diverse and exciting environment.”Marketing and communication is one of the three main pillars of Turespaña's work, and in which it organises advertising campaigns, develops content, undertakes actions on social media, positioning in search engines, actions with influencers and other opinion formers (press), as well as the development of relationship marketing with consumers.

International advertising campaign

International advertising campaign

“You Deserve Spain” is a campaign that takes up the “Te Mereces España” concept of 2021, with a renewed focus...

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Campaign history

Campaign history

Since 1984, the image of the Spanish tourism brand has been associated with the famous Sol de Miró, the logo of Spanish tourism...

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Digital marketing

Digital marketing

The key objective of TURESPAÑA's digital marketing strategy is the re-positioning of Spain as an attractive tourist destination...

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Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing

It is so important to offer our target audiences relevant content in the most impactful formats.

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Turespaña advertising strategy

Turespaña advertising strategy

One of the most important tools of the Marketing Sub-directorate is advertising...

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Content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategy

The Sub-directorate of Foreign Marketing of tourism bases its content strategy on the creation...

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Brand strategy

Brand strategy

During the diagnostic phase of the development of Turespaña's Strategic Marketing Plan 2021-2024, an analysis was carried out...

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