Brand strategy

During the diagnostic phase as part of the development of Turespaña's 2021-2024 Strategic Marketing Plan, an analysis was performed that provided us with a snapshot of how tourists currently perceive us, encompassing our strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. This was used as a basis for constructing a conceptual framework for brand positioning, with the main actions then defined to improve notoriety or reposition the brand where necessary.The diagnosis was performed by studying mentions online, with a view to measuring the consumer's voice. Priority was given to opinion forming channels such as Twitter and other relevant forums, analysing 19 million mentions made between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2020, in the 33 main countries that send tourists to Spain.

Based on this analysis, the objective was to develop strategic and tactical actions to strengthen Spain as an attractive international tourism destination based on the attributes of quality, heritage, avant-garde, diversity, lifestyle and sustainability. In addition to the actions that Turespaña performs independently, the organisation's brand strategy is structured through agreements with public and private partners with who we share values ​​and objectives. These partners include:- Tourism companies and brands such as tour operators, travel agencies, or airlines.- Spanish public sector entities such as regional and local tourism promotion organisations.- Companies and non-tourism brands with which we share values and with which strategic partnerships have been developed, including but not limited to Netflix, Conde Nast, Nat Geo or Photoespaña.A measurement plan was designed across two levels: A first level consisting of output indicators, which monitor compliance with the annual operating plan; and a second level consisting of outcome indicators, which measure the impact of the actions implemented, both to view the notoriety of Spain as a tourist brand as a whole and to enhance the different attributes of the country brand from the perspective of tourism, in particular the attribute of sustainability.