Seville | 04 October 2021 - 06 October 2021

1st Turespaña Convention Seville

Spain is unquestionably one of the most prominent tourism powers in the world, but the challenges caused by the pandemic imply an even greater responsibility on the part of the Spanish government to manage Spanish tourism policy properly, as well as to play a key role in recovery and in the search for solutions to the main concerns of our tourism sector.Both the responsibilities of TURESPAÑA and the importance of Spain on the world tourism scene make it highly desirable for the Spanish Tourism Administration to lead the debate on the main challenges facing national tourism in a post-pandemic world.Based on these premises, TURESPAÑA and the Seville City Council, through CONTURSA, joined forces to develop a space for encounters, collaboration and planning between Turespaña – and its network of tourism councils abroad – and Spanish tourist destinations. This gathering aims to make it possible to publicise and exchange good practices in the public tourism sector, strengthen collaboration tools for the planning of tourism policies and educate about trends and initiatives in the private tourism sector.In this context, the 1st Turespaña Convention was held at Fibes in Seville on 4, 5 and 6 October 2021, in hybrid format in order to strictly comply with health protection protocols.The main purpose of the convention was to create a channel and/or forum for communication, both for the exchange of information and for reflection on the strategic objectives of TURESPAÑA, in order to align discourse between the different Spanish tourist destinations.This 1st Meeting of Spanish tourist destinations was structured around the idea of developing a tourism strategy in which digitalisation and sustainability would be key aspects, with different presentations, round tables and bilateral meetings between tourist destinations and the tourism advisors that Turespaña has abroad.

Download the agenda of the First Turespaña Convention 2021 in Seville


Opening and presentation
October 4, 2021

Presentation: 2021-2024 Strategic Marketing Plan (SMP). 

Round table: Sustainable tourism and its contribution to destinations
4 October 2021

Presentation The use of data for destination marketing.Presentation: Turespaña's Vision on destination marketing.Presentation: Support for the international marketing of tourist products and experiences.

Presentation: Seville's “tourism model”.
4 October 2021

Round table: Good practices and challenges for the international promotion of digital and sustainable destinations.

Round table: 2021 Communication and promotion of the three dimensions of sustainability
4 October 2021

Presentation: Tourism sustainability strategy at destinations.

Presentation: The tourist as a driver of change
October 5, 2021

Presentation: Source markets.

Round table: Evolution of international demand. Short-distance markets
5 October 2021

Case Study: NETFLIX as a tourist promotion platform.Round table: Evolution of international demand. Long-distance markets.

Round table: Mobility and sustainable development
5 October 2021

Interview from the skies: The future of connectivity.

Round table: Sustainability in accommodation companies
October 5, 2021

Closing ceremony.

Summary of the event

First Turespaña Convention. Summary of sessions

1st Turespaña Convention – Summary of the first day – 4 October

1st Turespaña Convention – Summary of the second day – 5 October

1st Turespaña Convention – Summary of the third day – 6 October