Donostia / San Sebastián | 23 October 2023 - 25 October 2023

III Turespaña Convention Donostia/San Sebastián

The Third TURESPAÑA CONVENTION was held at the Kursaal in Donostia/San Sebastián from 23 to 25 October 2023. The event was attended by more than 500 representatives of autonomous communities, local organisations, provincial councils and product clubs and private entities. Since its inception, the aim of the convention is to create a channel and/or forum for communication, both for the exchange of information and for reflection on the strategic objectives of TURESPAÑA, with a view to aligning the discourse between the different Spanish tourist destinationsOn this occasion the event had as its central axis the Sustainable Transformation of Tourism, one of the most relevant action references in the sector, along with the development of competitiveness and governance of tourism. The programme commenced on Monday 23 October, with Héctor Gómez, Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, opening the event and Rosa Ana Morillo, Secretary of State for Tourism, presenting her department's most relevant initiatives. Some of the participants of the over 50 speeches, round table discussions and debates included Encarna Piñero García (CEO of Grupo Piñero), Enrique Martínez Martín (President of SEGITTUR), Alex Rayón Jerez (CEO of Brain & Code), and Carlos Abella Picazo (General Secretary of the Spanish Special Tourism Committee), among others.


Opening ceremony - First speech 23 October 2023

Opening ceremony - Second speech23 October 2023

Opening ceremony - Third speech 23 October 2023

Opening ceremony - Fourth speech23 October 2023

PresentationOctober 23, 2023

Round table 1: Keys to the future: The challenges of tourism in 2024October 23, 2023

Round table 2. Tourism sustainability: Where are we?October 23, 2023

Successful projects in sustainable transformationOctober 23, 2023

Conversation 1: Gastronomy as a driver of sustainable tourism developmentOctober 23, 2023

Presentation of the General Subdirectorate of Strategy and Services to the Tourism SectorOctober 23, 2023

Presentation of the General Sub-directorate of Foreign Marketing for Tourism23 October 2023

Presentation General Subdirectorate of Knowledge and Tourism StudiesOctober 23, 2023

Public - private partnerships, in collaboration with Turespaña23 October 2023

Presentation of the City Council of Donostia/San SebastiánOctober 24, 2023

Guest speaker. Speaking of the future: digital transformation and strategy - First speech 24 October 2023

Guest speaker. Speaking of the future: digital transformation and strategy - Second speech 24 October 2023

Round table 3: Marketing and communication of environmental sustainabilityOctober 24, 2023

Round table 4: Economic sustainability and digitalization in the companyOctober 24, 2023

Conversation 2: How do other destinations do it?October 24, 2023

Round table 5: The impact of tourism on tourist destinations and their communities24 October 2023

Presentation of the Fourth Turespaña Convention24 October 2023

Market Presentation24 October 2023

Round table 6: Tourism trends: data analysis results and conclusions24 October 2023

Summary of the event

III Turespaña Convention - Conference summary

Third Turespaña Convention - Summary of the first day - 23 October

Third Turespaña Convention - Summary of the second day - 24 October

Third Turespaña Convention - Summary of the third day - 25 October